Letter from Private John F McClelland, Co. B, 16th OVI, to his wife, Rachel Lockhart McClelland in Millersburg, Ohio

Web Author's Notes:
Images of the following letter were provided by Bob and Judi Hill. They were found in a box of papers owned by Judi's mother. The letter is believed to be from an ancestor of Judi, John F McClelland, a private in Company B of the 16th OVI, to his wife, Rachel Lockhart of Millersburg, Ohio. The date is believed to be June or June 1, 1862, while the 16th OVI was massing troops around the Cumberland Gap area, awaiting the assault and taking of The Gap from the Confederates. Bob and Judi believe the letter also included two maps of the Cumberland Gap area as drawn by William Buchanan, a seargent in the Company. Additional history tells us the letter's author, sadly, was later captured during subsequent action at Cumberland Gap and died of disease on September 20, 1862, probably as a Confederate prisoner. Below the images of the letter is my attempt at transcribing the letter to the best of my ability. Again, thanks to Bob and Judi Hill for sharing these precious artifacts from the colorful and poignant history of the 16th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and the American Civil War.
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McClelland Letter page 1 McClelland Letter page 2

Cumberland Ford Jun 1 1862

Dear Wife I take
this opurtunity to inform
you that i am well. I received
your letter with ???? and ?????
in it. I was very glad to learn
that you was all well. You
beter imagine than i
can discribe it to you. i am
geting along very well for grub
Since we left the Reigment
you complaind a little abought
the lenth of my letters,
but I can not help it. I will
rite them as long as i dare
under present circumstances.
I have a goodeal to do both
night and day by times. I
must tell you something

abought the scout we had.
one morning the general
informed me that ?? i must
b mounted at 4 oclock to go
with him on a scout. a(t) the
time mentioned he (and) 6
officers and I started ought
and you better think it was
the greatest ride i ever hade.
We went five miles towards
the gap and then turned to the
left. we pushed on towards
the cumberland mountains
under full galop. my horse
was so hard in the mouth
that I nearly cut my hand
off holding him. We wrode
on till we came to a ?????
house. when wee came up to
the house wee jumpt-off
and sirounded it. and
what do you think wee
McClelland Letter page 3 McClelland Letter page 4

captured. nothing but a
Kitten. the General keeps
it in his tent now. But
i must tell you where i go
for milk. I go 5 miles towards
the gap every evening. And some-
times the ????? comes ought
to our pickets. and i go be-
ond the pickets abought a
mile and while the woman is
milking i generly sit on
my horse. sometimes i get
get off. But i hardly ever
rest-easy when i am on the
ground. But enough of thiss
I sent you 5 dollars in the
last letter i wrote to you.
I hope you will write as soon as
you get it. I want to know
how soon you think this
war will be over.

I have nothing more to write
of importance, without
telling you things that is to
teadious(?). Now write soon
and often. I sill Remain

Your Afctionate


John McClenand

--- end of letter---

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