Images from the Sixteenth Ohio Volunteers...
The Last Resting Places of Our Gallant Heroes
Web Author's Notes:
The Sternau Collection page 2 of 4
Fellow 16th Ohio descendant Betsy Sternau has provided a treasure of information on her great-great grandfather, Private William F. Butler, Co. D, as well as a number of images of 16th OVI gravestones, shown in the next several pages and other information from extensive research in the Dresden area. Most of these graves are from Dresden Cemetery or nearby cemeteries and are from the area of Muskingum County where the 90-day regiment Company K
and 3-year regiment Company D
were formed. Our sincere thanks to Betsy for her passion, hard work and contribution to the memory of the regiment.
Cpl. William H. Spurgeon, Company D (3-year)
Born 1840 - Died December 10, 1861 at Camp Dennison, Ohio
Originally Interred at Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio, later re-interred at Dresden Cemetery, Dresden, Ohio
courtesy of Betsy Sternau, great great granddaughter of Pvt. William F. Butler |
Pvt. William Gould, Company K (90-day), Company D (3-year)
Private, Company K, 14th United States Veteran Reserve Corps
Private, Company A, 198th OVI
Born 1837, Ohio - Died May 28, 1913
Buried at Dresden Cemetery, Dresden, Ohio
courtesy of and with permission from Debe Clark, |
Sgt. Lewis Estinghausen. Company K (90-day)
Born 1834 - Died Dresden, Ohio (assumed) - Died March 23, 1897
Buried at Dresden Cemetery, Dresden, Ohio
courtesy of Betsy Sternau, great great granddaughter of Pvt. William F. Butler |
Pvt. George W. Lee, Company D (3-year)
Born 1839 - Died ????
Buried at Dresden Cemetery, Dresden, Ohio
courtesy of Betsy Sternau, great great granddaughter of Pvt. William F. Butler |
Pvt. Abraham W. Ford. Company K (90-day)
Born October 25, 1828 - Died Dresden, Ohio (assumed), March 1, 1886
Note: Conflicting information exists on various records but the two stones shown are believed to be for the same soldier
Buried at Dresden Cemetery, Dresden, Ohio
courtesy of Betsy Sternau, great great granddaughter of Pvt. William F. Butler |