Surrender of Vicksburg 16th OVI Home Page Second Bayou Teche Campaign
The Siege of Jackson, Mississippi
July 10 to 17, 1863
Web Author's Notes:

Immediately after the surrender of Vicksburg, Gen. Ulysses Grant sent a large force east to pursue Confederate General Joseph Johnston. Johnston, who, with a large force of up to 30,000 Rebels, had been lurking east of Vicksburg for many weeks during the Union siege. Once Johnston heard that Vicksburg had surrendered, he knew Grant would come after him with his large army, most of which were now free from siege duties to attack. Johnston rapidly withdrew his force east toward Jackson, Mississippi, the capitol city of the state.

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Item Description
Descriptions, Articles and Various Accounts
Description #1 - Siege of Jackson - Harper's Weekly A very short article on the fall of Jackson, Mississippi, in concert with the sketch presented as Image #1, below.
Description #2 - Siege of Jackson - Bondurant A description of the siege and fall of Jackson by historian Dr. Sidney Bondurant
Description #3 - Siege of Jackson - New York Times Article from The New York Times published August 1, 1863, describing the "Capture of Jackson"
Map #1 - Battlefield Map Nice military map of the Siege of Jackson showing Union and Confederate lines with designations of Union commands
Photographs, Sketches and Images
Images #1 - Siege of Jackson Sketch by Capt. William Achenbach, 97th Illinois Volunteers, of Union line in front of Jackson, Mississippi, about July 15, 1863 published in Harper's Weekly ,August 15, 1863.
The Leaders Images of the Union and Confederate officers commanding the forces during the siege and surrender of Jackson
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Surrender of Vicksburg 16th OVI Home Page Second Bayou Teche Campaign