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A Transcription of the
Nineteenth Regimental Reunion
16th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Millersburg, Ohio
September 19-20, 1894
Web Author's Notes:
Below is a transcription of the recorded proceedings of the 16th Ohio's nineteenth reunion at Millersburg, Ohio. It was taken from an unidentified source, assumed to be an addendum to the original Proceedings of Eleven Reunions Held By the 16th Regiment, O.V.I, compiled by Enos Pierson, Secretary of 16th O.V.I. Reunion Association, in 1887. This document was provided by fellow 16th OVI descendant H. Arlan Heiser of Ohio.

Certain misspellings from the original document, believed to be accidental, were corrected, while others were transcribed as recorded.

The photo, below, was taken by Theodore Wolbach. Wolbach was a Corporal in Company E and, along with becoming a noted Ohio photographer and mayor of Wadsworth, Ohio, composed the entire history of the three-year 16th Ohio, publishing the work in a series of newspaper articles in 1881 and 1882. See Wolbach's excellent history Camp & Field: The Old 16th Ohio.

Click here if you wish to hear the song Tenting Tonight On The Old Campground written in 1863 by Walter Kittredge and performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. This song is on the program of the 16th OVI reunion, below.

Proceedings of Eleven Reunions Held By the 16th Regiment, O.V.I
Nineteenth Reunion photo of 16th Ohio soldiers



16th Regiment, O. V. I.,

Millersburg, Ohio, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept.
19th and 20th, 1894.

The regular proceedings began with a Camp-Fire at the Opera House, Wednesday evening, when the spacious hall was filled from top to bottom - many having to stand. The following program was observed:


Address of Welcome........................................................................................................................................J. C. Calhoun, Mayor of Millersburg
Response on Behalf of the 16th O.V.I.......................................................................................................................................Simeon Chapman
War Song and Chorus.
What I know of the 16th Ohio................................................................................................................................D. Bowen
Song.......................................................................................................................................Miss Virginia Voorhees
Reminiscences............................................................................................................Theodore Wolbach
Song.......................................................................................................................................Miss Sadie Williams
War Song and Chorus.
Address............................................................................................................Capt. A. S. McClure
Quartette, The Flag of Our Country,
Misses Lizzie Ross and Blanch Force,
Messrs. J. J. Strome and C. W. Kochenderfer.
Recitation............................................................................................................................................Miss Helen Smith
Song.......................................................................................................................................Young Ladies
Recitation-Drafted,.......................................................................................................................................Miss Mabelle Snyder
Song, True to the Last.......................................................................................................................................Miss Lizzie Ross

General Experience Meeting,--In which every Comrade called on was expected to relate his experience, tell a joke or sing a song.

This part of the proceedings was much enjoyed and was participated in by Comrades Gorsuch, Anderson, Corbus, Clark, McQuigg and others. The Camp-Fire closed with taps by the bugler, Jose Walkup.


MILLERSBURG, September 29, 1894

The Regimental Association of the 16th O.V.I. convened in the City Hall, Millersburg, O., at 9 o'clock a.m. and was called to order by the President, H. G. White, when the regular order of business was proceeded with as follows:

The report of the Secretary of the reunion of 1893 was read, and on motion adopted. Treasurer McClarran then made his report, to-wit:

August 1893, balance due to treasurer.....................................................................$ 9 74
August 1893, paid for badges...............................................................12 00
August 1893, paid for printing cards....................................................................21 92
July 1894, postal cards..............................................................3 50
July 1894, printing....................................................................75
Total....................................................................................$26 74
August 1893, received dues.............................................................17 00
Balance due treasurer........................................................................9 74

On motion the Treasurer's report was adopted and an order drawn for the sum of $9.74, to balance the account.

The following committee was then appointed on resolutions:

Thos. B. Miller, Harry McClarran and R. N. Gorsuch.

On motion of Comrade Andrew Brandstetter, that the place for holding the 20th Annual Reunion of the Association be selected by ballot, the President declared nominations in order. Louisville, Ky. was named by Comrade Switzer, Odell's Lake, by Capt. Ligget, and Wooster, by Samuel Metzler. Wooster was withdrawn and the Association proceeded to vote on Louisville and Odell's Lake, which resulted as follows:

Louisville................................................................39 votes.
Odell's Lake................................................................25 votes.

The President announced that Louisville, Ky., having received the majority of votes the next reunion of the Association would be held in that city during the time of the National Encampment.

The committee on resolutions having entered made the following report:

WHEREAS, God in his wisdom has called to rest, Major E. W. Bottsford; Cal Henry, CO. I; Wm. Smith, Co. B; and Thos. Watson, Co. I. Therefore be it

Resolved--That the surviving members of the 16 O.V.I. in reunion assembled, hereby express our sorrow at the loss of these comrades with whom we touched elbows in the defence of the Union and the Flag.

Resolved--That their families have lost beloved supporters and the country noble defenders.

Resolved--That we extend to the families of these comrades our heartfelt sympathy, and that these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Association.



T. B. Miller. |

On motion the report of the committee was adopted.

The election of officers being next in order, Boyd C. Gibson, of Louisville, Ky., was elected President, and Andrew Brandstetter, of Wooster, O., Vice President. The Secretary and Treasure were re-elected. The officers of the Association for the next year are as follows:

President---B. C. Gilson, Louisvile, Ky.

Vice President---Andrew Brandstetter, Wooster, O.

Sec.---Enos Pierson, Wooster, O.

Treas.---Harry McClarren, Wooster, O.

On motion the officers of the Association were constituted the committee of general arrangements.

On motion of Comrade McClarran, the officers were instructed to purchase a suitable flag for the use of the Association, and have the number of the regiment painted upon it, and that the flag be displayed at our headquarters at Louisville, Ky., during encampment week.

The committee on resolutions made their final report as follows:

WHEREAS, The patriotic citizens of Millersburg have so kindly received and entertained us during this, our 19th annual reunion, in their city, therefore be it

Resolved--That we extend to them our hearty thanks for their hospitality during our stay in Millersburg.

Resolved--That we extend to our retiring President, H. G. White, our thanks for the able manner in which he has discharged the duties of that office.



T. B. Miller. |

On motion the report was adopted and the committee discharged.

The following members of the Association then answered to the roll call:

(reunion attendance pages to be developed)

The following is the post office address of comrades not heretofore reported:

Co. A
Leonard Sittsline.......................................................................................Greersville, Ohio
Joseph Lanning..........................................................................................Central College, "
Co. B
Warner Hall.............................................................................................Circleville, "
Co. E
G. W. Ward..............................................................................................Westerville, "

The following are the names of comrades who have died since the last report:

Major E. W. Botsford died of pneumonia at Wooster, O., March 5, 1894.

William Smith, Co. B, died at Oblong, Ill., in the Spring of 1894.

Calvin Henry, Co. I, was killed in Missouri, in the Summer of 1893.

Thomas Watson, Co. I, died at Holmesville, O., July 22, 1894.

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., Sept. 11, 1894.

Enos Pierson, Esq., Secretary, Wooster, Ohio.

DEAR SIR: --I am in due receipt of your appreciated invitation to attend the reunion of the old Sixteenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteers, to be held at Millersburg on the 18inst.

It would give me great pleasure to meet, clasp hands and exchange reminiscences with old comrades at the reunion, but the demands of duty will prevent me realizing that pleasure this year.

I must provide for the home and its occupants--the good wife and the little children. Yet I hope that before my name is transferred from the roster of time to eternity's roll call, that I shall be able to meet with the Regiment in some of its annual reunions.

The reunions of the different commands of the former armies of the Union cannot but be a great profit to the Nation, as well as pleasure to those who participate therein.

It is hard to realize that a generation is now with us, participating in all the activities of life, to whom the war of the rebellion is a matter of history and not a remembrance; and that to them the war with all its incidents, experiences and results cannot be the same as to those who participate therein.

Because of this, and from other causes, the energies of our people, in recent years, have been largely directed to the advancement of the material interest of the individual, to exclusion of mature thought and corresponding effort in behalf of the nation; a too great material prosperity always being inimical to the development of patriotism, the latter has lain passively dormant, awaiting a quickening power to call it into an active force.

By the patriotism and noble sacrifices of its citizen soldiers during the rebellion, our country has preserved and made a nation of freedom in fact, as well as in theory; and it now devolves upon our people with equal patriotism to perpetuate for the future that which was so nobly saved by heroic sacrifices in the past.

But the problems of peace, as perplexing as were the difficulties of war, are now before us, demanding the wisest and most patriotic efforts in their solution, as they involve the future interests of our government.

In peace, or in war, a through understanding of the nature and importance of the institutions of our country, and a sincere love of those institutions, to the extent of subordinating the interests of self to those of country, are necessary elements for the perpetuation of our government. I am no pessimist, and firmly believe that these elements are not wanting in the people, but in our intense eagerness in the pursuit of material prosperity, they have been relegated to the rear; they should be brought prominently to the front, and become our recognized national characteristics.

Hence it is, that I attach so much importance to these reunions which tend to remind people of how much they owe to former patriotic efforts; and suggest to them their duty to the nation at present, and in the future.

Please convey to the comrades, individually and collectively, my desire and inability to be with them at the reunion, and my wish that nothing may happen to mar their enjoyment of the same.

Again expressing the hope that before we all shall meet on "The field of fame's eternal camping ground." I may be able to greet the comrades at some future reunion; and requesting that you send me a copy of the next roster, I remain,

Truly yours,


The business of the Association having been finished, the Association adjourned to meet in the city of Louisville, Ky., in 1895. The Regiment then proceeded to the front of the Court House where Comrade T. D. Wolbach photographed them, together with the old colors and drums. ENOS PIERSON, Sec.

At 1 o'clock p.m., the association and public assembled in City Hall, when the following proceedings were observed:

Assembly Call..............................................................................................J. G. Walkup
Invocation.................................................................................................Rev. C. F. Johnson
Address,...................................................................................................Capt. A. S. McClure
Recitation---Uncle Ned's Tale,......................................................................Miss Mabelle Snyder
Address,...................................................................................................R. N. Gorsuch
Our Departed Comrades,.....................................................................................Enos Pierson
Short Addresses.


Everybody enjoyed themselves to the utmost.

The city was gaily decorated.

The rain Wednesday kept quite a few at home.

The next reunion will be held at Lexington, Ky.

The sight of "Old Glory" brightened many an eye.

Several of our citizens kept open house during the Reunion, notably Mrs. W. M. Ross, where twenty-four took dinner Thursday.

The song by Miss Virginia Voorhes at the Camp-Fire was highly appreciated. Miss Voorhes is a pleasing singer and and has an excellent voice.

Captain McClure brought down the house by several pleasing hits on comrades present.

The quartette by Misses Ross and Force and Messrs. Strome and Kochenderfer was loudly applauded.

All expenses of holding the Reunion were paid by the citizens of Millersburg.

Music was by the Millersburg Band.

Theadore [Hatchet] Wolbach had his Kodack in prime order and shot his comrades on every opportunity.

Not one unpleasant proceeding to mar the pleasures of the occasion.

And the old comrades talked, and talked, and talked and decided to adjourn to Louisville, next year, when they could finish what they had to say.

The rain Wednesday deterred many from being present.

The calling of the names of those comrades who had died during the previous year, the mournful roll of the drum and the lights out on the bugle, was very effecting.

Tears were in many eyes when they caught sight of the old bullet-torn and storm-beaten colors. Many a thought went back to the battle fields and fallen comrades.

The tableau presented during the singing of Tenting To-Night on the Old Campground was quite realistic, especially the pup-tents.

The boys like to come to Millersburg to hold their Reunions.

Comrade Clark's story put the boys in excellent humor and all went home happy.

Comrade Coe, of Orrville, was missed. The Orrville Crescent explains his absence.

One day last week while N. S. Coe was driving through one of the streets of Wooster his horse stepped into a newly filled ditch. Mr. Coe, fearing it would break the buggy, got out and took hold of the bridle, and in its struggles, the horse trampled on his foot, the cork of the shoe producing a severe injury. Since that time he has been limping around with a cane.

The camp-fire, Wednesday, was greatly enjoyed.

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