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Sgt. John Caskey Hall
Page 16 - August 6, 1862
they tried to take our artilery but we kept them back until the artilery got well out of the way. then we fell back in good order firing as we retired for near 1/2 mile where we got a good position behind a fence on a high piece of ground. where we had a brisk little fight until our amunition was all shot away. then we retreated about 1 1/2 miles to where our Battery was in position. the rebels tried to plant a battery on a hill where the fight began but could not get more than two guns in position and they were soon dismantled by our gunners. the 14th Ky were partly engaged and had a number of men wounded. there wer two killed in our regt Capt Edgar and Private James Hoke. |
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