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Article from the Holmes County Farmer
April 25, 1861
Web Author's Notes:
These articles are from the Holmes County Farmer newspaper published April 25, 1861. They were transcribed by long time website contributor John Pierson, a likely descendant of 16th Ohio soldier Pvt. Enos Pierson, Company C.

The first article describes one of the early meetings concerning the recruiting of men from Holmes County, Ohio, two weeks after Ft. Sumter, into a military company that would ultimately become Company G of the 16th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. These initial regiments were formed for a term of 90 days.

newspaper article

Union Meeting.

Pursuant to requests a very large and patriotic meeting of citizens assembled at the Court House on Saturday evening last, for the purpose of considering the call of the President for volunteers to aid in quelling rebellion, enforcing the laws of the land and protecting the government.

On the motion of Judge Huston, Mr. Godfrey Corbus was called to the chair. General Ankeny was unanimously elected Vice President. J. Caskey and J. A. Estill were unanimously chosen Secretaries.

After being called to order the meeting was addressed by Messers. I. R. Critchfield, J. R. Barcroft, C. F. Voorhes, J. A. Estill and D. S. Uhl.

Mr. Bray was called upon and sung the "Star Spangled Banner."

An Invitation was given to persons to volunteer in the service of the country. A number came forward and signed, swelling the list to about 55.

The following Resolution was offered and adopted:

Resolved, That inasmuch as a number of citizens of Weinsberg and vicinity have expressed a desire to join the company at this place that they be requested to join us on Monday next, at 2 o'clock, at which time the company will be sworn into service and proceed to the election of officers.

At proper intervals during the meeting the band discoursed excellent music.


Company met and were sworn in by R. T. Critchfield, Esq., to the number of 66, to wit:

W. H. Irvine,Clarke Middaugh,
B. J. Morris,M. B. DeSilva,
Z. Ray,Peter Hay,
Wm. M. Ross,William H. Koch,
C. Huston,Mason Force,
J. W. Wiggins,W. H. H. Rutter,
J. D. Miller,R. W. Taneyhill,
E. Gallion,William Smith,
Thomas Baughman,Isaiah Donald,
Peter Gates,Francis Genet,
W. M. Hall,Thomas Dill,
H. C. Boone,Jesse Varns,
Hugh M. Wilson,Samuel Fisher,
James P. Reilly,John B. Huttenhour,
David Hammond,William H. Anderson,
John A. Irvine,Charles Genet,
Alexander Durfer,A. W. Duncan,
E. A. Smith,John Edgar,
R. W. Ellison,John Williams,
John B. Chapman,David Henderson,
B. Taylor,J. B. Welch,
W. B. Tanneyhill,A. J. Knox,
A. J. Boner,John H. Castor,
Ebenezer McCormick,George Henderson,
Abraham Orr,Edward L. Hall,
Wm. B. Rose,James McNulty,
Daniel Biddle,William Spangler,
George U. Parkinson,Elmor Y. Dobbs,
R. W. Enos,Joseph Poto,
Lewis Foltz,John Porter,
H. Johnson Lemon,Hugh Tidball,
Wm. G. Adams,George W. Morrow,
A. J. Lowther,John C. Woigamot.

After swearing the soldiers R. T. Critchfield said:

Fellow Citizens, and Soldiers: You have volunteered to fight for your country, and may the God of battles protect you and may you return with victory perched upon your standard.

The doors were then closed and all persons excluded from the Court House except the Soldiers. R. T. Critchfield and J. A. Estill. The meeting was organized by calling J. A. Irvine to the chair. A motion was made to proceed with the election of officers, which was carried. James McNulty and William Spangler were placed in nomination for Captain. The vote stood: McNulty, 44; Spangler, 18. For 1st Lieutenant John A. Irvine and William Spangler were nominated. Mr. Irvine received 39 votes; Mr. Spangler 25. For 2d Lieutenant William Spangler received 37 votes; M. B. DeSilva, 10; John H. Caster, 7; and William H. Koch, 6.

After the election the officers chosen were respectively called upon and responded in short speeches.

The boys felt decidedly good. We hope they may ever maintain the flag of our country, be instrumental in restoring the Union to peace and quiet, and finally be returned to the bosoms of their families and friends, and long live and enjoy the blessings of Constitutional Liberty.

The following named have since been added to the company:

Calvin M. Stuber,M. V. Leeper,
Martin Ling,J. F. Hughs,
H. M. Wallach,Ohio Knox,
Silas J. Uhl,J. F. Hurst,
Alonzo Treat,G. O. Minser,
John E. Green,William Bush,
Mathias Smith,Thomas Summony.

These are two small news items found in the same newspaper, same date as the article above. James McNulty became Captain of Company G of the 90-day 16th OVI:

newspaper article

Captain McNulty.

Captain James McNulty was a soldier in the Mexican war, where he served his country with great credit to himself.

Holmes County Boys.

Captain McNulty's Company, raised at this place, is composed of a good looking set of men. -- In personal appearance, courage, &c., they will rank as A No. 1. It is not known when they will leave.

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