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Here are the orders issued to now Capt. Milton Mills, First Army Corps, authorizing him to recruit military veterans for enlistment into the Corps. This document implies Mills did accept his appointment to this organization and was actively participating in his assigned military duties.
This document was among the papers of Maj. Milton Mills and was handed down through his family.
Maj. Gen Winfield Scott Hancock
Maj. Milton Mills
Col. Oliver Wood
Headquarters First Army Corps,
Adjutant General's Office,
Washington, D. C. Feby. 11th, 1865.
To Capt. Milton Mills
1st Army Corps,
Dresden, Ohio
The Governor of Ohio having requested that enlistments for the First Army Corps therin be perfected in the State, you are, in accordance with the provisions of Circular No. 3, December 17, 1864, from these Headquarters, hereby specifically authorized to have any Veterans whom you may secure enlisted and mustered in by the Provost Marshal's Department.
The Government bounty will be paid the men immediately after their arrival here. Any local bounties offered should be secured to them before they leave the State.
The name and address of the Senior Officer of this Corps on Recruiting Service in Ohio is Col. Oliver Wood, 1st A. C. Portsmouth Ohio.
You will be under his directions while recruiting, and will report to him immediately by letter for instructions.
By order of Major General Hancock.
Finley Anderson
Assistant Adjutant General.
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