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This appears to be a payroll-related document which includes a transcription of the acceptance of the resignation of Maj. Milton Mills. Mills resigned from the 16th OVI on February 12, 1864, due to ill health. This document was authored on May 8, 1865, the purpose, apparently, to specify the final pay issued to Mills upon his departure from the military.
This document was among the papers of Maj. Milton Mills and was handed down through his family.
Maj. Milton Mills
Maj. Gen. Edward Ord
Paymaster Maj. William Rochester
(FORM 4.)
Special Orders,
13 Army Corps
No. 31
A.O. Feby 12, 1864
1. The Resignation of Maj. Milton Mills 16th Ohio Infty Vols, is hereby accepted to take effect this day, provided no final payment be made until he satisfies the Pay Department that he is not indebted to the Government-------
By order of Maj Gen E O. C Ord
(Signed) A. B. Sharpe
Assistant Adjutant General.
I certify, That the above is a true copy, and that I have this day paid the above=named discharged officer $555.90 less $100 transportation NO. to New York in full from 1 Nov, 1863, to 23 Feby, 1864.
WmB, Rochester
Paymaster U. S. Vols.
Washington, May 8, 1865
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